While India strives to expand its hegemonic designs in the region, the world is currently dependent on the devastating COVID-19 virus.

As a result of its aggressive and expansionist plans, New Delhi's border disputes with China, Nepal, and Pakistan now threaten regional peace. By comparing the policies of the Modi government to those of the Nazis, which pose a threat to India's neighboring states, Pakistan's previous governments alerted the international community to the volatile situation in the region.

Through the Citizenship Act, India is currently in dispute with Bangladesh, has border disputes with Nepal and China, and Pakistan is threatened with a false flag operation.

In a similar vein, the termination of Articles 35-A and 370, which granted Illegal Indian Occupied Kashmir (IIOJK) special status, has markedly deteriorated relations between India and Pakistan.

Since then, the Modi government has attempted to unilaterally alter IIOJK and the Indian Constitution to accommodate an increasing number of Hindus seeking permanent settlement in the valley and demographic shifts.

The Modi government has also announced some changes to the domicile law of IIOJK, making it easier for outsiders to buy land and start businesses in the valley. Because it reduces minorities in India to the status of second-class citizens, the fascist Modi regime poses a threat to their rights as well.

India has been warned about severe human rights violations that are being carried out at the behest of Hindu fanatics by international human rights organizations and some major global players like the US, UK, and EU.

The IIOJK The defenseless people of Kashmir have been oppressed by the Indian government through the use of its military might.

The occupying Indian forces are brutally and illegitimately attacking civilians, particularly Muslims.

However, India has failed to subdue the Kashmiri people's sentiments and aspirations for independence from dark Indian rule despite employing these brutal and illegitimate methods.

Warmongering Modi government is now using anti-Pakistan actors like BLA and TTP to achieve its heinous and strategic goals after being rebuked by brave Kashmiris.

India is doing everything in its power to undermine Pakistan's economic, political, and military stability. It has been financing non-state actors like TTP and BLA in this regard.

TTP has increased its attacks on Pakistani security forces, particularly in the Pak-Afghan border regions, with assistance from India.

In the meantime, border areas in Baluchistan have also seen an increase in BLA attacks. India is behind these attacks because it provides insurgents with financial support.

By presenting evidence of Indian involvement in terrorism to the United Nations and other major global players, Pakistan's government has clearly exposed Indian heinous plans to destabilize the country.

The issue of Indian involvement in destabilizing Pakistan's economy and security was recently brought up by the government with the United Nations and other international players.

A comprehensive report on Indian support for non-state actors, particularly the TTP and BLA, had been prepared by Pakistan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Pakistan Armed force likewise busted different cells of fanatics and captured them.

Interestingly, they were able to retrieve Indian currency. In a similar fashion, Pakistan presented the dossier to the UN Security Council, the UN Secretary General, P5+1 representatives, and a few friendly states as well.

India is working hard in the economic sphere to achieve its hegemonic goals in the region by expanding its Hindutva-driven ideology and disrupting the regional power chessboard.

Economically, India has been opposing Pakistan's CPEC and supporting the BLA and other Balochistani insurgent groups to impede these projects' progress. India has spoken out against the CPEC and BRI projects at every regional and global forum, calling them a threat to its territorial integrity.

These Indian assertions are absurd and of no weight. The region's current state of instability is largely attributable to this. Regional and bilateral political and economic integration have been hindered by India's Hindutva-driven policies.

By rejecting the idea of disarmament, India has intensified the arms race in the strategic domain.

In order to pose a threat to its neighbors, the current Indian government, which is led by Hindu extremists, has made significant investments in more advanced military equipment, which will have severe consequences for the entire region.

In a similar vein, all of India's neighbors are concerned about the military buildup, which is significantly higher than what it actually needs for defense.

India is causing instability in South Asia by flexing its muscles, causing problems for its neighbors, and accusing them of causing trouble.

It is obvious that the Indian armed forces, which are plagued by issues of dishonesty and corruption, are looking into ways to distract the Indian public and investigators from the real problem by using Pakistan as a scapegoat.

Land, liquor, sex, and other scams involving General Officers have rocked the Indian army in recent years, resulting in a string of cases of corruption and misconduct.

The fact that the former Air Chief Marshal S.P. Tyagi's home was raided by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) as part of an investigation into alleged bribes paid to secure a $748 million contract for 12 Italian helicopters only exacerbates the situation.

There are claims that multinational corporations have paid millions of dollars in kickbacks to Indian officials, which has frequently caused controversy regarding the arms trade in India.

In a nutshell, the Indian government's warmongering can go to any lengths to achieve its political, economic, and strategic goals.

Pakistan has accumulated unquestionable evidence that India is engaged in a methodical effort to destabilize the nation through terrorist attacks, the promotion of secession, and subversion in hybrid and fifth-generation war.