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A well-thought-out plan to stop terrorism in Pakistan

 Following the tragic loss of life, the DEFENSE MINISTER kindly addressed the politicization of the Peshawar bombing in Parliament. According to the defense minister, the issue will be discussed at a suitable forum (NSC). This time, Pakistan should use modern technology, diplomacy, global financial institutions, and the relocation of terrorists to defeat terrorism rather than its armed forces.

Additionally, the provinces will be required to fulfill their constitutionally mandated duties. The PM's questioning of the tragedy in the red zone is spot-on. The Defense Minister provided specifics regarding the alleged terrorist's anticipated presence. In Parliament, the Defense Minister also voiced similar concerns, referring to the act as an act against Pakistan and facilitating the terrorists. The parliamentarians also brought up NAP's future. The alleged attacks on Pakistan's border fence on the Pak-Afghan border are a serious breach of Pakistan's territorial integrity and should be treated with the same respect as other border fences around the world, including those of China, the ME, and the United States. Pakistan can defeat terrorism with a well-thought-out pyramid strategy, just as it has in the past. The use of cutting-edge technology and methods like demonetization, online trading, electronic fencing, and surveillance in specific locations are all part of the base.

For local control, make use of mobile phones made in Pakistan, local networks, satellite jammers, balloons, apps for business and retail shopping that are linked to bank accounts, cash transfer, facial recognition, CNIC, NADRA, and driver licenses, and targeted tracking of mobile, individual, transport, and transit traffic. Utilize neighborhood watch, community, and retail businesses for direct state reporting at the middle level. Federal, provincial, and other intelligence agencies ought to carry out their responsibilities. The West (EU, Americas, and UK) and other local quick response units, as well as special anti-terror squads and levies, should then support it.

It is a task force, intelligence, border security, police, and liaison with neighboring nations all working together. The concerned authority ought to regain its unity of command on an administrative level. It should be run by the police, whereas military and bureaucratic structures include cantonments.

To win the war against terrorism, Pakistan should have the required number of online cantonments established following the British system. The civil headquarters and military cantonments of Commonwealth members and the United States employ a proven security method that discourages politics. The use of the military in the fight against terrorism must be limited and selective. Its ability to fight conventional wars is weakened when it uses its armed forces in the war against terrorism. Pakistan, like Russia and the United States, should look into alternatives like self-financing and on-military special forces made up of tech-savvy individuals who can swim, fight, fly, and use technology.

With the help of the resources that are already there, this force can be raised immediately to deliver internationally, tactically, and strategically, and it won't cost a lot. Speed, unity, and faith are the keys to success. In a time of political polarization, the Peshawar attack is an attempt to weaken the country's armed forces under the guise of war against terrorism. It should be left to the armed forces to protect the nation's borders, which is their primary responsibility. The repercussions of political decisions should be handled by the government. The smart alternative will fight corruption, and smuggling across borders, and increase online revenue collection.

To stop terror financing, Pakistan should make electronic transactions with Afghanistan and other countries mandatory. Pakistan and Afghanistan, like other commodities-dealing nations in the region, can deposit sufficient funds in their banks.

Due to existing international law (UNAML), it shouldn't be a problem. Islamabad is capable of doing so quickly with its neighbors, including Iran, CARS, and BRICS, similar to India's bottom-up diplomatic approach for bilateral trade with individual EU member states. Islamabad ought to use a different strategy than the United Nations to put an end to terrorism in Pakistan. It has supported UN resolutions regarding Afghan wars as a member of the UN.

Since successive presidents, including Obama, have announced an end to the war on terror, the United Nations should petition the United States Congress to end the President's war powers. As a result of the West's policies toward Afghanistan, China, and Iran in the region, Pakistan cannot be held hostage.

Terrorism is known to be an alternative to using military force to economically colonize a nation. After that, Islamabad ought to approach the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Trade Organization to obtain the complete cancellation of debt, trade, exports, the transfer of industry, and funding for food, water, and energy security.

Pakistan won the war on terrorism and defeated Russia as part of the international coalition. Since the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, it has continued to accommodate Afghan refugees. To lower living costs following the war in Ukraine, the EU will provide Germany, France, and Italy with €679 billion in subsidies in 2022. Ukraine has received $104 billion from America. The West contributed $2, while the Afghan war was outsourced to Pakistan for $125 billion and 83,000 deaths. 4T bribery (Washington Post: Afghan Papers). The Pakistani defense minister discussed terrorists.

Islamabad is being pressured by the international community to face this challenge. The Taliban are Mujahideen who are hosted in the White House by Reagan. They can work in the global interest of UN peace missions. The West estimates that they number between 5,000 and 25,000. They can always be moved around the world in a single digit to solve this problem and stop using the so-called war on terrorism in the region for their interests.

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