Breaking News Article

How to Identify and Report FAKE NEWS ON THE INTERNET

How to Identify and Report FAKE NEWS ON THE INTERNET 

“It is enough for a man to prove himself a liar when he goes on narrating whatever he hears” (Sahih Muslim) FAKE NEWS, which is information that is false and misleading and is published or shared in media outlets as well as social media, can be a dangerous method of obtaining information.

This kind of news can be deliberately fabricated to attract more website visitors or to create a false narrative about something, or it can be against a person, a state institution, or its employees to defame and harm their reputation.

Fake news can spread quickly or even “go viral” if some people do not check the source of the content they view online before sharing it.

One common illustration is the belief that sharing Islamic information about the Qur'an and Hadith without first verifying its authenticity or source is a moral and religious obligation.

Another illustration is the flood of fake news that social media users received during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Advice on how to treat Corona and false information about vaccines were shared in articles and WhatsApp messages, causing hysteria and putting lives in danger.

In situations like these, many people are completely unaware of the severe consequences that can result from sharing false or fabricated information, including unverified religious information.

As a result, one must cultivate a critical mindset whenever they encounter communication. With a certain degree of skepticism, approach each piece of information.

Utilize a variety of resources to confirm its authenticity. First, check the formatting if it is a screenshot. Most of the time, these fake images have spelling and layout errors.

You should also check to see if the image has a date on it and if it matches up with the timelines, as people sometimes ignore the dates on old news images.

Inform the person who posted the false information that it is probably false if you know them.

According to the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA 2016), spreading false or fake news on the internet or social media is a criminal offense.

It is punishable by up to three years in prison, a fine of up to ten million dollars, or both. An aggrieved individual can report fake news to the online Complaint Management System (CMS) of the PTA to have it removed from relevant social media and internet platforms.

PTA raises the issue with the relevant social media platform. However, as each social media platform encourages direct reporting of such fake or false content on their platform for early resolution, it is recommended to report directly to the relevant platform for quick resolution of such complaints.

If necessary, the social media platform may also directly request additional information from the complainant.

The procedure for registering a complaint for each of the major social media platforms can be found on the PTA's website at for further guidance.

The importance of having access to reliable news and information sources has never been greater.

Pakistani internet users will continue to receive assistance from PTA to ensure a secure and responsible online experience.

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