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Modi's Worst Horror Story: Dispute with China

Modi's Worst Horror Story: Dispute with China

The news of the Chinese and Indian soldiers fighting broke out on December 12. The most recent altercation took place on December 9, 2022, in the Tawang region of Arunachal Pradesh, India. The Indian army's version says that soldiers from both sides were hurt during the fight. However, the situation did not get any worse, and Indian army commanders in the area met with their Chinese counterpart. The fact that the Indian ministry of defense and the ministry of foreign affairs even declined to comment on the situation was the most noticeable aspect of this news. The Indian government, including Modi, remains silent regarding China.

They don't try to harm China like they do Pakistan and take an aggressive and escalating stance. Even after 20 soldiers were killed, the Indian leadership remained silent. It demonstrated Modi's awareness of the Indian army's inability to face China. Second, Modi's portrayal of himself as a strong nationalist leader will be shattered when he faces China; posing a threat to safety. It will put Modi's rule in jeopardy because, even though the Indian economy is doing well, it does not accurately represent India as a whole.

China's army is too strong for India's army. India moved its six division army from its Pakistani border to the Chinese border after 2020. To prevent any embarrassment and loss of territory, this army was reoriented. India's defense spending had already increased by 50% to support its aggressive agenda. The Indian defense budget increased from $49.6 billion in 2011 to $76.6 billion in 2012, as reported by the SIPRI. It moved ahead of the United Kingdom and Russia to become the third largest nation in terms of military spending. However, the Indian army's corruption prevented this defense spending from producing significant results.

In 2012, India's army chief General VK Singh discovered that a lobbyist had offered him a substantial bribe in exchange for his approval of a deal. India's bulwark contracts were always plagued by corruption, and middle men were always present in the deals. In addition, in March 2021, they reported corruption in the Indian army's recruitment process. Numerous officers of various ranks accepted bribes from candidates who were being eliminated. A significant general was also involved in a corruption case in 2019 as well.

In addition, cases of corruption emerged in a military housing project. Bipin Rawat, the previous chief of the Indian army, acknowledges this corruption in a military housing project. In August 2022, Subedar Major Pardeep Kumar requested between 45 and 55 percent of the total value of the contracts awarded to contractors Dinesh Kumar and Pritpal Singh, while Indian Lieutenant Colonel Rahul Pawar was authorizing injunctively 7-8 percent. In May 2022, five other partners and a lieutenant colonel of the Indian army were involved in corrupting the procurement of rations for the armed forces. India's weapon indigenization process has degenerated into a disaster as a result of these corruption cases involving the army and defense procurement.

India is making an effort to indigenize the military industry, but its domestic industry has nothing but empty slogans to show for its efforts. They are unable to supply the weapons systems that China needs to compete. Even the Pakistani air force could not compete with the Indian one. A pilot was captured in Pakistan and it lost an orchestration. The Indian air force will have 30 squadrons by 2023; However, the Indian Air Force claims that 42 squadrons are required to protect India. The Indian bulwark industry cannot produce high-quality goods. India's indigenously built helicopters have recently experienced numerous crashes. Due to the fact that, despite the glitz and glam of the Indian economy, it is not truly expanding for the poor, facing China could reveal a veiled version of India's nationalistic vision of the Prime Minister and cause people to focus on his domestic weaknesses.

India's economic growth and GDP remained significant factors, according to numerous commentators. Following the pandemic, Indian GDP experienced a decline. India's GDP is only 7.6% higher in 2019 than it was in 2019, while China's GDP is 13.1% higher and the US, which is experiencing slow economic growth, is 4.6% higher. In addition, India's annual magnification rate over the past three years has been just 2%. Following the intensification of the post-pandemic bounce, the dissemination of incipient projects has slowed down, much like the failure of bulwark indigenisation.

In order to integrate, additional evidence that peregrine companies are actually locating the business in India is needed. India has seen a general lack of foreign direct investment. Numerous businesses that began investing in India experienced numerous setbacks.

In India, Amazon began closing three projects. In India, convivial designations remained financially disadvantaged as a result of these circumstances.

India has a system of education for the poor. In 2018, some fifth-grade rural Indian children were unable to read or study. Steadiness affected more than a third of children under the age of five. Other indicators of human development also get worse under Modi. India has a lot of inequality. 57% of the country's income is held by the top 10%.

Because of Modi's poor economic performance, army corruption, and the failure of the indigenization initiative, the public is forced to believe that he is nationalistic and tough on security. The conflict with China completely reveals Modi's image as a tough man and may pose a threat to his rule in India.

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