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Capitalism and climate crisis

Humanity is confronted with the insurmountable challenge of ecological collapse in the 21st century as a result of capitalism's rise to industrialization. Climate change and capitalism are two sides of the same coin. Lebanon's cedars are being destroyed by climate change. not merely that. More than 160,000 people have died in extreme heat since 1998, and millions more could die if climate change continues unchecked. The free market is humankind's greatest invention. However, there is a catch: advertises possibly do something amazing when costs reflect genuine expenses. Also, prices are out of whack at the moment. We allow businesses that sell fossil fuels, as well as anyone else who releases greenhouse gases, to cause enormous damage for which they are not responsible. There will be terrible consequences for the planet and its inhabitants if capitalism is not controlled and reimagined for the benefit of humanity. Climate change driven by capitalism could have some unyielding consequences that could be harmful to society.

The world's failure to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels has dire consequences. The emission of greenhouse gases from capitalist production causes record heatwaves and droughts, which have a negative impact not only on the human ecosystem but also on food production. Coral reef ecosystems and fish populations, which provide food for billions of people worldwide, are under threat from ocean acidification. Additionally, the spread of disease-carrying insects that infect a large number of people with life-threatening illnesses will make the warm seasons last longer. If the local weather behaves erratically or completely changes, farming regions will face a significant risk of crop failure. It will result in unimaginable death tolls in the developing world as a result of massive food and water shortages.

The non-reciprocal philosophy of extractivism is central to capitalism. Oil, gas, minerals, coal, and other natural resources are extracted from every region of the globe by capitalist nations. The locations are poisoned, drained, or otherwise destroyed during the process. In the coming days, this will emerge as a potential threat to human survival because capitalist economies do not add greenery in response. In addition, it needs to give up "free market fundamentalism" if it wants to control nature and stop the effects.

The special report on Climate Change, Desertification, Land Degradation, Sustainable Land Management, Food Security, and Greenhouse Fluxes in Terrestrial Ecosystems by the IPCC says that capitalism's unregulated growth and production methods will hurt the earth's landscape, soil patterns, and ecosystems. Other observational programs to monitor land use, biodiversity loss, and the spread of disease-carrying insects are also necessary, as are comprehensive early warning systems for extreme weather. Capitalism is incompatible with long-term planning because it is motivated primarily by the desire for ever-increasing profits and capital accumulation. Exxon and other large multinational corporations, for example, prioritize short-term profits when making decisions. Exxon's scientists discovered just how harmful fossil fuels are in the 1970s, when they were at the forefront of climate research. They marked those documents confidential and launched a decade-long propaganda campaign to cast doubt on the effects of GHG emissions rather than making this information public and working with policymakers to find a solution. They sacrificed the long-term survival of millions of humans to maximize their short-term profits.

Burning gas and oil, for example, comes with a hefty price tag that is hard to swallow. Firms that receive substantial government subsidies must compete with those who are working toward a clean economy. These businesses will eventually harm our health and contribute to climate change. We must move past capitalism, which is incapable of resolving the issues it causes, if we are to guarantee a humane future. In order to safeguard our environment for future generations, we ought to consume ethically.

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