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NATO's expansion and biowarfare

 Today, I'm sharing the article about the bioware and NATO expanding. It is about the fear of Bioware. 

The United States' military support for Ukraine in support of NATO expansion and its bioweapons laboratories in Ukraine are causing heated debate. In an effort to control the resources in the region, Ukraine has been destroyed. Biowarfare is expanding concurrently as a result of the capitalist dream of unipolarity. despite numerous "clearance certificates" from Western and American media tycoons and experts. In March of 2022, Russia stated once more that American biolabs in various parts of Ukraine are preparing bioweapons. The nation's national security strategy for 2016 was signed by President Vladimir Putin on December 31, 2015, and it listed "color revolutions and biological weapons as primary threats to Russia."

According to the document's second point, the US was making matters more complicated by threatening with bioweapons. She continued, "Russia’s independent foreign and domestic policy has been met with counteraction by the US and its allies, seeking to maintain its dominance in world affairs. The network of US biological military labs is expanding on the territories of countries neighboring Russia."

The Russian president was well aware of the excessive NATO expansion when he signed the National Security Strategy in 2016. According to the document, the North Atlantic Alliance's advance toward Russia's borders poses a threat to national security. The Euro-Atlantic, Eurasian, and Asia-Pacific regions are not adhering to the principles of equal and indivisible security, and militarization and arms buildup processes are taking place in Russia's neighboring regions.

The United States' military support for Ukraine in support of NATO expansion and its bioweapons laboratories in Ukraine are causing heated debate. In an effort to control the resources in the region, Ukraine has been destroyed. Biowarfare is expanding concurrently as a result of the capitalist dream of unipolarity. despite numerous "clearance certificates" from Western and American media tycoons and experts. In March of 2022, Russia stated once more that American biolabs in various parts of Ukraine are preparing bioweapons. The nation's national security strategy for 2016 was signed by President Vladimir Putin on December 31, 2015, and it listed "color revolutions and biological weapons as primary threats to Russia."

According to the document's second point, the US was making matters more complicated by threatening with bioweapons. She continued, "Russia’s independent foreign and domestic policy has been met with counteraction by the US and its allies, seeking to maintain its dominance in world affairs. The network of US biological military labs is expanding on the territories of countries neighboring Russia."

The Russian president was well aware of the excessive NATO expansion when he signed the National Security Strategy in 2016. According to the document, the North Atlantic Alliance's advance toward Russia's borders poses a threat to national security. The Euro-Atlantic, Eurasian, and Asia-Pacific regions are not adhering to the principles of equal and indivisible security, and militarization and arms buildup processes are taking place in Russia's neighboring regions.

Washington, according to the independent experts, has not yet responded to the questions posed by the Russian Federation, the People's Republic of China, and other international forums with substantiated responses.

Russia has also come under fire from the United States for making similar claims that it will use bioweapons in Ukraine. Nothing has been claimed thus far. Russia's position on the deeply fabricated US stories about Russia was supported by neither media. However, the fact that the world's most influential media outlets have come to defend Russia's claims that the US has bioweapon labs in Ukraine seems odd.

The British Broadcasting Corporation, also known as the BBC, was the first to dispute Russia's assertion regarding the US bio lab in Ukraine. "Russia has claimed without any evidence that biological weapons are being developed in laboratories in Ukraine with support from the United States," the BBC stated on March 15, 2022, was refuted.

The leading German media outlet DW reported on May 3, 2022, that "no evidence of biological weapons [found] in Ukraine as Russia has claimed Kyiv is developing biological weapons with support from the US and Germany," citing "experts familiar with laboratories in Ukraine."

After that, a few additional media outlets followed suit. However, there was no independent monitoring report on the Ukrainian biolabs, which undermined the bioweapons preparations. In 30 national laboratories, the US and Ukraine have been accused by Russia of working with "pathogens of dangerous infections." Disease-causing microorganisms are known as pathogens.

There are concerns that the stated objectives of the Biological Threat Reduction Programme (BTRP) in Ukraine and around the world do not correspond to actual research but rather are geared toward the creation of biological weapons. Based on documented evidence, Russia has consistently revealed to the world the secret objectives of the US military-biological program in Ukraine over the past nine months. Russia asserts that the United States and Ukraine have been researching the prevalence of pathogens near the Russian Federation's borders and developing components for biological weapons under the guise of peaceful projects.

The official objectives of the Cooperative Biological Threat Reduction Program are in direct opposition to this. It conflicts with the reports Washington and Kiev submitted to the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs' Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). It would appear that both nations are purposefully subverting the Convention's requirements.

Washington, according to the independent experts, has not yet responded to the questions posed by the Russian Federation, the People's Republic of China, and other international forums with substantiated responses. The questions include why the alleged peaceful research is coordinated and funded by the Pentagon, and why the closed projects were carried out by contractors employed by the US Department of Defense (DOD) and staffed primarily with epidemiologists from the US military.

Why are Ukrainian epidemiologists and special services unable to access the outcomes and implementation process of closed military-biological projects in the United States?

In the reports of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC), Kyiv and Washington remain silent about the nature and outcomes of the joint military-biological activities.

How should one interpret the Pentagon's decision to set up laboratories only near the Russian and Chinese borders?

Why have there been outbreaks of infectious diseases in the Ukraine regions where Pentagon Biolabs has concentrated over the past ten years?

How can we explain the Ministry of Defense's registration of patents on delivery systems for biological agents, including infectious insects, if the United States asserts that it does not violate the Convention?

How much and for what purpose do US epidemiologists investigate potentially harmful pathogens that are unusual for Ukraine's location?

Even at the most recent UNODA meeting on November 28, 2022, there was still no response to these questions. The UNODA chief, Izumi Nakamitsu, explained in a speech to the Biological Weapons Convention that the question of determining whether biological toxins are produced has been at a standstill for twenty years. The pandemic not only increased awareness of biosafety and biosecurity, but it also demonstrated the disruption that could result from the deliberate use of biological agents as weapons of war or terror. In light of COVID-19, the international community ought to move forward with stalled plans to prevent the development of biological weapons.

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