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Getting an Education Trauma Diagnose

 As a result, the general public develops a conscience. The achievement of one's goals and the protection of one's individual, social, and national rights all begins with education. Additionally, education aims to foster a sense of duty and responsibility among citizens as global citizens. Education is the cornerstone of economic stability and growth, which ultimately leads to public prosperity. 

Pakistan is a developing nation with a faltering economy, widespread sectarianism, social decline, and an expanding security nexus. Other issues include political unrest. A weak, fractured, and disjointed educational system is the root cause of all of these problems. A failing educational system is thought to be the root of the most prevalent social issue. The educators are the social doctors; They are just as important as doctors and surgeons in their work. Doctors save patients and teachers save nations. Because they are taught the same way, teachers have become education earthquakes that encourage cramming. Educational failure, which is the primary cause of the 40 million out-of-school students and the dropout rate, is exacerbated by poor management and lack of discipline. 

About 30% of children enrolled in primary education attain matriculation. We are currently confronting numerous internal and external challenges as a result of treating education like a stepchild in the country. The lowest education budget allocation has hurt education quality. Pakistan is one of only 12 countries worldwide in which education received less than 2% of GDP. The financial component of any system is regarded as its engine. The primary factor contributing to the crippling of the educational system is a lack of funding. The subsequent governments have allotted a less-than-2.5% education budget, which is insufficient.

In the budgets of many developing nations in the region, including Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, education spending has increased. Nevertheless, it is steadily decreasing in Pakistan. The educational system has failed to advance the nation economically, politically, and socially. We've tried for a quarter of a century and implemented over 25 educational policies, but we haven't been able to bring order back to the country. Inadequate funding, policy implementation, a flawed examination system, inadequate physical facilities, trained teachers, directionless education, low enrollment, a large number of dropouts, political intrusion, an out-of-date syllabus, sleaze, poor management and custody, a lack of research, and uniformity are all still issues that we face. 

The various educational commissions that were formed and established did not produce any results. The educational system does not follow a single set of unified guiding principles. The nation has multiple educational systems in operation at the same time. Another central issue that has resulted in divergent viewpoints is the disparity in the curriculum. The attitudes of Deeni Madaris, private elite schools, and public educational institutions' graduates are vastly different. We have created triangular diversity in our descendants rather than uniformity and unity. As a result of this tendency, the social division has increased at a faster rate. This system has engulfed ideology, patriotism, and national unity all at once. 

Additionally, it has entered the bone marrow of the nation. The country's recent political, social, moral, economic, and sectarian unrest is the result of a shallow educational system that emphasizes immediate surgical intervention to identify the affected areas before they turn cancerous. The lack of unity in the system is more horizontal to general education than to the production of market-ready skilled workers. The country's unemployment rate is going up as a result. Instead of using human labor, we are making robots.

We are printing degrees and diplomas rather than instilling patriotism and ideology in young people. The students' creativity, reasoning, and thinking are not being improved. Students are encouraged to cram without taking into account that education is an individual's holistic development because the current syllabus is typical and traditional. The current syllabi do not meet the requirements of modern educational research. The modern syllabus supports the learner's interest in practical work, research, scientific knowledge, and reflective observation rather than emphasizing memory and theory. 

Another essential aspect is performance-enhancing training. Teaching is hard work. There aren't enough training opportunities for teachers. Nearly all citizens who completed tasks received certificates. However, ironically, the government does not grant accreditation to private-sector teachers. Despite the absence of a teacher licensing system, the state's inability to mandate motorcycle licenses is to blame.

The situation has gotten worse because there aren't enough or enough training facilities, people, or research. Fortunately, students are not taught how to use libraries. We are cramming to empty the exam room buckets and prepare them for refilling. Our examination system only tests students' memory. When it comes to education, it doesn't look at them the same in every way. External and internal factors have also had an impact on the examinations, contributing to the tendency toward unfair practices. Students' high intellectual power, critical thinking, reflective, and analytical abilities, among other skills, are disregarded by the examination system. In addition, the supervisory position has been subject to relocations to far-flung locations or even termination from services, both of which have undermined the essence of high-quality education. Internally, the educational system is also plagued by politicized bureaucracy. The scourge of favoritism and nepotism now plagues promotions, appointments, and transfers. 

The issue of subpar degrees has been exacerbated by classroom overcrowding and a lack of educational resources. The primary factor that has had a significant impact on the educational system is sleaze, along with other factors. Poor implementation of accountability and checks and balances. Numerous criminals have been able to abuse authority, misappropriate funds, and accord excessive favors in the allocation of funds, transfers, promotions, and decision-making due to its flaws. Because of their low salaries, teachers who want a decent life and to keep their bodies and souls together use unfair means to get certificates, degrees, and other things. We are doomed if we do not empower, protect, and strengthen the nation's builders.

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