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Pakistan bears the burden following the IMF's relief.

 Electricity prices will increase by 20% following the IMF. Gas prices will rise by 50% as a result of the IMF. Prices for diesel and gasoline will rise by 15% as a result of the IMF's decision. 35 percent would be the highest level of inflation in the nation's 75 years of financial history. However, given that the international price of crude oil has decreased from a high of $123 per barrel to $80 per barrel, this unprecedented increase in the rate of inflation will only be a brief blip. Additionally, the price of coal has decreased by 15% and the price of palm oil has decreased from 7,000 to 4,000 Malaysian Ringgit per ton.

Don't worry. Significant efforts will be made to blame others following the IMF. The medium- to long-term outlook will improve following the IMF. The government must move toward real structural reforms after the IMF.

The process by which blood leaves the body's circulatory system is called hemorrhaging. The body's normal blood flow is disrupted when there is hemorrhaging, reducing the amount of oxygen and nutrients that reach the cells and organs. If hemorrhage is not treated immediately, it can lead to organ failure and death.

Pakistan's economy is bleeding badly. The power industry has lost Rs2,500 billion over the past two decades. The gas industry has suffered losses totaling Rs1,500 billion. The government's so-called "commodity operations" have cost Rs800 billion in losses. Each year, Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) suffers a significant loss of Rs67 billion. Every six months, Pakistan Steel experiences losses totaling Rs67 billion. Over the past few years, the "textile cartel" has taken away Rs1,000 billion in subsidies. Each year, the "fertilizer cartel" steals Rs150 billion. Consider that Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) owe Rs2 trillion in debt at the moment.

This bleeding is to blame for the current state of our economy. Is there anyone who can stop the bleeding? Keep in mind that organ failure can result from hemorrhaging. Can a person recall the name of an active state organ?

The IMF now has a new leader. Keep in mind that dictators are people or groups with complete control over a country. The bleeding prompts the IMF to issue orders. As long as the bleeding continues, the IMF will undoubtedly retain complete control. Three characteristics are shared by dictatorial nations: 

A blood transfusion is required due to political oppression, economic instability, and a lack of progress. Between 1948 and 2016, the United States provided "blood transfusions" for a total of $78.3 billion. Multilaterals provided a significant "blood transfusion," contributing $60 billion. China contributed approximately $27 billion, in addition to $10 billion in international bonds and $10 billion in commercial debt. We had 23 "arrangements" with the IMF from 1950 to 2022, and we still owe $7.8 billion in loans.

Blood that is ready to be transferred is currently unavailable. Currently, to eliminate the cause of the bleeding, immediate surgery is required. We are fortunate to be aware of the precise location of the bleeding. Where are the agents exactly?

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