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The world's possible impact of artificial intelligence

 We no longer pay much attention to the fact that we are constantly surrounded by robots who perform a variety of human-like tasks. For instance, human-performed surgical procedures are now being carried out by robots. They are currently receiving driving instruction; If they can do that, they might eventually take over services like Uber and Lyft: act in accordance with the instructions they were given to pick up passengers and take them to the address they gave. As machines become more integrated into human lives and societies, their potential uses appear virtually limitless. However, machines are susceptible to human error because they attempt to mimic human behavior and activity.

The majority of people have the knowledge and abilities to learn from their mistakes. If a robot makes a mistake during a complicated procedure, a surgeon will know about it. He or she will advance and succeed the robot performing the procedure. Making machines more aware is the next step in the development of artificial intelligence, or AI.

It was unthinkable for a significant amount of time to refer to machines as having "consciousness." AI professionals avoid the term because they associate it with machine operation. Before the data on human errors and how they were fixed led to the development of algorithms, there was no language that could be written for machines and taught to machines. To put it another way, robots may be able to correct themselves and learn from their mistakes. They recognized themselves. In order to write this language, a lot of data had to be collected and analyzed, which was only useful when a lot of people were producing the data. China clearly has the upper hand when behavior data and population size are taken into account. It is well on its way to developing "supercomputing" of the kind that only the United States can achieve with the technology it has developed over time. This is the primary reason why American governments impede China's development of that capability. The history of AI will be discussed first, followed by the actions taken by the Trump and Biden administrations to prevent China from moving in that direction.

Since Microsoft invested $1 billion in the small San Francisco-based company OpenAI, the term "artificial intelligence" has gained a lot of traction. At the end of last year, the investment community found out about it. ChatGPT was its initial name. Satya Nadella, an Indian-born IT specialist, is in charge of Microsoft. Nadella has invested an additional $2 billion since the initial investment to provide OpenAI with the massive computing power it needs to expand its chatbot capacity.

According to one assessment, "Microsoft is now poised to challenge Big Tech companies like Google, Amazon, and Apple" with a technological advantage that the company has not had in more than two decades. Nadella announced that he would invest an additional $10 billion in OpenAI technology while on a trip to India. Microsoft would be at the forefront of the technology that is now the most popular in the technology sector if more money came in. ChatGPT responds to questions, writes poetry, and solves nearly every issue. It is currently the most well-known example of generative artificial intelligence, or a system that can respond to brief prompts to produce text, images, and other media. Everything from Google and other online search engines could be reimagined by new generative artificial technologies. As a result, digital assistants like Alex and Siri, which are able to answer questions that are more complicated, would become even more advanced. "Seeing how these generative models are capturing the imagination is just fascinating," Nadella told his Indian audience. I believe we are in a golden age.

OpenAI has since developed GPT-3, a revolutionary technology. With support from Microsoft, this large language model can independently produce tweets, blog posts, news articles, and even computer codes. Google, Meta, and other software giants have been developing models for years with the same capabilities as ChatGPT. By studying and analyzing a large amount of digital text, such as emails, books, and Wikipedia entries, the AI systems improve their skills and capabilities. Senior Google researcher Aiden Gomez stated, "These systems really require a supercomputer — and there are not many of them on the planet." Microsoft used ChatGPT toward the end of November 2022 to give the impression to one million people that they were having a conversation with another person. In fact, they were conversing with a robot that was capable of intelligently responding to interruptions.

A newspaper article recently talked about a creative center called the Creative Machine Lab. one of the first lab-created self-aware robots had four hinged legs, a black body, and sensors attached at various points. The robot created a stick figure for itself by moving around and observing how the information entering its sensors changed. A machine learning algorithm was used by the robot to make its actual body and self-model fit better as it moved around. It had learned to walk without instruction.

Pakistan has a large population, now estimated to be close to 225 million, a significant use of mobile phones and personal computers, and the potential to enter the rapidly expanding "artificial intelligence" industry. Public policy should encourage private business to move in that direction in order for that to happen. A number of actions would be required for public policy: As Beijing faces pressure from the United States and as the proportion of young people in its population begins to significantly decline, some of these include the establishment of youth training centers and a synergistic relationship with China.

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